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Pennsylvania Arm Injury Lawyers

Acute injuries usually require prompt medical attention and evaluation. Some examples of acute arm injuries are:

  • A bruise or contusion – occurs when small blood vessels under the skin tear or rupture, often from a twist, bump, or fall. Blood leaks into tissues under the skin and causes a black-and-blue color that often turns purple, red, yellow, and green as the bruise heals.
  • Ligament sprains
  • Injuries to tendons – the tough, rope-like fibers that connect muscle to bone
  • Pulled muscles
  • Muscle ruptures – such as a bicep or tricep rupture.
  • Broken bones or fractures – A break may occur when a bone is twisted, struck directly, or used to brace against a fall.
  • Dislocations

Treatment for an arm injury may include first aid measures, such as using a brace, splint, or cast. Treatment may also include “setting” a broken bone or returning a dislocated joint to its normal position. After initial treatment, an arm injury may require physical therapy, medicines, and in some cases surgery.

The kind of treatment required depends on the location, type, and severity of the injury as well as when the injury occurred, your age, health condition, and activity level. If you sustain an arm injury you should seek medical treatment right away.

You should also consult a PA arm injury lawyer at Freeburn Law to ensure that your rights are fully protected, regardless of whether your arm injury occurred at work, at home, while engaged in sports activities or while in an auto accident.

Freeburn Law has several offices throughout Central Pennsylvania to better serve our clients. We have offices in Harrisburg, York, SelinsgroveKingstonLebanon, King of Prussia, LewistownLancaster, and Johnstown. If you can’t come to us, we will come to your home, or meet you in the hospital. We are available 24/7 – evenings and/or weekends.

If you’ve sustained an arm injury, protect your rights by calling Freeburn Law right away. You need someone on your side.

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At Freeburn Law, we’re people just like you. We’re the kind of lawyers you can talk to. Most importantly, we’re the kind of lawyers who will listen.

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Let Freeburn Fight For You

At Freeburn Law, we’re people just like you. We’re the kind of lawyers you can talk to. Most importantly, we’re the kind of lawyers who will listen.

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