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What To Do Immediately Following A Truck Accident


The scene of a truck accident can be particularly devastating. Unlike your typical automobile accident, commercial trucks can cause a significant magnitude of destruction in any collision. If you find yourself involved in an accident with a tractor-trailer, you will most likely be scared and shaken up. Your plan of action to tend to the situation can easily be clouded by panic. So, it is important to know what to do in the event of a truck accident before it happens — don’t wait until it’s too late. Here are some important steps to take in navigating a truck accident.

What Do I Do After A Truck Accident?

First of all, pull over. All vehicles involved should be moved to a safe place away from the road and oncoming traffic. 

Then, call 911 to request police and medical help. This way, everyone involved in the accident will receive the emergency intervention they need. Also, the accident would be documented by police, which is important to have when filing an insurance claim.

Once first responders are dispatched, you should gather as much information about the accident as possible. This includes the contact information of parties involved and witnesses, vehicle information such as license plate numbers, and insurance information of the other driver(s) involved in the accident. You should also collect any evidence of the accident, including photos and videos of the scene.

After an accident report is made, you should report the accident to your insurance company. It is imperative that you do this carefully and cautiously because even though insurance representatives may seem nice, they are trained to work in the interest of their employer — not you. 

If the other party’s insurance company contacts you, it’s best not to answer right away. Instead, redirect them to your insurance company or a truck accident lawyer.

Lastly, it is in your best interest to consult with an experienced truck accident attorney about your best course of action. You may be missing an important step that could reduce the compensation you receive if you navigate this process alone. 

How Do I Hire A Truck Accident Attorney?

The personal injury attorneys at Freeburn Law make the inquiry process simple so you can focus your attention on recovery. If you or a loved one have been injured in a tractor-trailer accident, contact the truck accident lawyers at Freeburn Law for help. To do so, call our office at 717-777-7777 or submit a free consultation form online today. At Freeburn Law, we will fight for you.

Christina and Jessica are a dynamic duo. They will make sure everything that needs to be done will be done. They make sure to stay on top of things and will not leave you in the dark about anything. Highly recommend this firm.