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Harbor Freight Jack Stand Recall

Over 1.7 million Harbor Freight Pittsburgh 3-Ton and 6-Ton Jack Stands have been recalled due to a manufacturing defect. The defect can cause the jacks to collapse while in use and potentially result in severe injury or even death.

There are currently two separate jack stand recalls. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recall 20E016 involves over 450,000 units produced from June 13th, 2013 to November 22nd, 2019. Recall 20E027 involves approximately 1,254,000 units produced from December 1st, 2012 to March 31st, 2020.

If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of using one of these jacks, our defective product attorneys can help you get the fair compensation you deserve.

Cause of the Defect

Harbor Freight did not manufacture the Pittsburgh Automotive jack stands. The original manufacturer is Jiaxing Golden Roc Tools Company, which is based in China. An analysis of the recalled jack stands determined that the ratchet teeth on the jack stand’s lifting extension were inconsistently engaging the pawl, which happens to provide support for the load. Due to the defects, these ratchet teeth did not engage at an appropriate depth, causing sudden slippage. Potential shifts in weight can cause the gear teeth to slip suddenly.  This defect may result in a serious accident for those near or under the lifted vehicle and damage the car itself.

Safety History of Motor Vehicle Jacks

The Harbor Freight Steel Jack Stand recalls have brought to light an alarming safety hazard. According to a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration report, over 4,822 people are injured by collapsing vehicle jacks annually, with over 96% of the individuals needing to visit the emergency room. 

Of the total injuries sustained, NHTSA highlighted the specific types of injuries victims were diagnosed with including:

  • Contusions – 40%
  • Lacerations – 18%
  • Fractures – 15% 
  • Strains or Sprains – 10%
  • Amputations – 5% 
  • Other Injuries – 13%

39% of the total people injured endured the most severe injuries to either the hand, wrist, or finger.

Recalled Harbor Freight Jack Stands

The recalls only apply to particular units of Pittsburgh Automotive jack stands. Currently, the recalled jacks are as followed:

  • Item #56371, The Pittsburgh Automotive 3-ton jack stand.
  • Item #61196, The Pittsburgh Automotive 3-ton heavy-duty jack stand.
  • Item #61197 The Pittsburgh Automotive 6-ton heavy-duty jack stand.

Harbor Freight does offer other jack stands produced by different manufacturers. They’re currently assessing their other products to determine whether or not they are defective as well. However, assessment and production are both delayed by work restrictions due to COVID-19. Harbor Freight has urged customers who own one of the recalled jack stands to return them to a local Harbor Freight store for either a cash refund or store credit.

Call the Personal Injury Lawyers today at (717) 777-7777!

Learn Your Rights – Contact Us Today for More Recall Information!

If you or a loved one were injured by a Pittsburgh Automotive® 3-Ton or 6-Ton vehicle jack stand, immediately contact our defective product lawyers for a free case consultation. 

Don’t handle the legal and financial battle alone. At Freeburn Law, we are prepared to successfully represent consumers who have suffered severe injuries due to recalled jack stands and will fight to ensure you receive full and fair compensation. Call us today at (717) 777-7777 or complete our online contact form. We offer a free, zero-obligation case evaluation for all potential clients. 

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