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Personal Injury | 10/01/2014

Fall Safety Tips

Every time the seasons change, new hazards emerge on the roadway. During the fall, these hazards can come from the increase in deer, the time change causing windshield glares during rush hour, wet leaves and more. This week, we have some fall safety tips for you to remember and follow while driving your car.

1) Clear frost from your windshields. The changing temperatures often leave fog on your windows in the morning. Make sure you give yourself enough time in the mornings to defrost your car before heading to work.

2) Drive slower. Wet leaves on the ground can be covering potholes and other driving hazards and can also be slippery. Deer are also more prevalent in the fall, so drive slower so that you lower the risk of hitting or being hit by a deer.

3) Keep your distance. Increasing the distance between yourself and the car in front of you can help when it comes time to make last-second decisions due to slippery leaves, deer, sun glare, and more.

4) Keep your windshield clean and a pair of sunglasses handy. This will help battle sun glare on your morning and evening commutes.

5) Check your tires. The changing temperatures can cause your tires to expand and deflate, causing low tire pressure. Drivers should also be prepared for an early snow fall by making sure the tires have sufficient tread.

6) Continue to watch out for children at bus stops and getting on and off buses. Even though school has been in session for several weeks, always still vigilant around school buses and bus stops.

Along with fall weather and fall driving hazards, October also brings Halloween, a holiday that often brings more children to the roads. Stay tuned for our post about Halloween and Trick or Treating Safety later this month.

As with all of our safety tips, following our fall safety tips will not guarantee that you won't get hurt. We hope that by following our fall safety tips, it will minimize the chance that you get injured in a situation that you are able to control. If you have been hurt in a serious accident, or if you have lost a loved one who was killed in a serious accident, schedule a free consultation with a Central PA car accident attorney from Freeburn Law today by calling the 7's - (717) 777-7777 - or fill out the Quick Contact form on this page. We have 12 convenient Central PA office locations and make house calls!

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