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Firm News | 10/10/2014

Fall Settlement for Lewistown Man

Fall Results in $140,000 Settlement for Lewistown, PA Man

A man was exiting a second-story Lewistown apartment when he miscalculated and fell on the stairs. As he was grasping the handrail to pull himself back up, the rail broke and he fell off the side of the stairs, down to the ground. The man sustained a fracture in his lower leg and suffered from numbness and tingling in his leg for months following the fall.

Following the fall, the victim contacted Freeburn Law, your Central PA personal injury attorneys, and Attorney Richard Freeburn helped him receive a $140,000 settlement.

If you or a loved one is injured in a fall, call the 7's (717-777-7777) or fill out the contact form on this page for a free consultation. Since 1982, the attorneys at Freeburn Law have helped clients win millions of dollars in Personal Injury and Workers' Compensation cases, including falls. We now have 12 convenient office locations across Central Pennsylvania and make house calls!

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