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Firm News | 11/06/2011

Freeburn Law Opens Lancaster Office in Expansion Move

One of Central Pennsylvania’ most successful personal injury and workman’s compensation law firms, Freeburn Law, announces the opening of its eleventh local office, at 8 North Queen Street, 4th Floor, in Lancaster.

The expansion has been motivated by a growing demand to serve clients in the Lancaster market, and to provide convenient and timely service to accident victims, including a company policy of making house calls.
“When you have an accident, there is no time to waste,” says firm founder Richard Freeburn,”Don’t jeopardize your chances in a personal injury, wrongful death or workman’s compensation claim by delaying action. Protect your rights by talking to an experienced attorney immediately,”

Freeburn Law has represented thousands of Central Pennsylvania cases for over 20 years . For more information, call their toll-free number 717-777-7777.

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