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Auto Insurance | 6/16/2014

Full Tort vs Limited Tort

What is the best choice - Full Tort vs Limited Tort?

Residents of Pennsylvania are faced with a very important decision when they buy personal auto insurance. Should they buy full tort or limited tort coverage? Limited tort may cost less money, but is it the best decision for your family? The Personal Injury and Workers' Compensation Law Firm, Freeburn Law, want you to know the truth about Pennsylvania Auto Insurance Coverage. 

If you are unsure as to what is best for you and your family, give us a call! The call is free! Our attorneys have been protecting the rights of injury victims since 1982 and we don't want you to short-change your coverage and the coverage of your family to save a few dollars on car insurance. Taking just a few minutes to research your options, can protect your rights if you are the victim of someone else's negligence.

To better serve our clients, Freeburn Law, has offices in Harrisburg, Lebanon, Gettysburg, Carlisle, Camp Hill, Lewistown, Mifflintown, Huntingdon, and more. But if you are unable to come to our office, don't worry. We will visit you at home or hospital! Our attorneys make House Calls!

If You Don't Have Full Tort, You Don't Have Full Coverage

"Full Tort" is a special automobile insurance term which relates to coverage on the person. It is often confused with the concept of "full coverage, which relates to coverage on the car.

What is "Full Tort" and why is it important?

"Tort" relates to your right to recover damages due to someone else's negligence. If you choose "Full Tort" you keep all of your rights. If you choose "Limited Tort", all insureds under the policy, whether named or not, not, give up their right to make a claim for pain and suffering, even if the accident was other guys fault!

An exception exists so that a person with limited tort, can recover if they suffer a "serious injury," it has to be really serious. For example, consider the case where a court found that a person who had to undergo surgery on his shoulder and clavicle did not suffer a serious injury. In another case where a person had to have her gallbladder removed; had to use crutches for nine months and was forced to leave her job, the insurance carrier for the person who caused the accident argued that she had not suffered a serious injury. In another case involving a person who suffered a broken back, the insurance carrier argued that he had not suffered a serious injury. Avoid the argument; Choose Full Tort!

By choosing Limited Tort you also lose the means to pay for a lawyer.

Why? Because lawyers who represent injury victims are paid a percentage of what they recover for your pain and suffering. If no recovery can be  obtained for pain and suffering, there is no fund from which to pay a lawyer. Therefore, by choosing limited tort, you lose the means to pay for a lawyer.

There is a discount for choosing limited tort. IS IT WORTH IT? Think of it this way, what is more valuable, you or your car? YOU, obviously: If you bought an expensive car, would you even consider going without comprehensive and collision coverage to save a few buck? OF COURSE NOT. Therefore, would it make sense to choose limited tort to save a few dollars? OF COURSE NOT. Electing limited tort and buying comprehensive and collision coverage is like that cartoon where the ambulance comes to the scene of an accident, puts the car on the stretcher and leaves the person lying on the road. You are too valuable to put yourself in that position. So, Call your agent today and make sure that you have "FULL TORT'.

Remember ... If You Don't Have Full Tort, You Don't Have Full Coverage!

Freeburn Law
Your Personal Injury & Workers' Compensation Law Firm
2040 Linglestown Road, Suite 300
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Telephone Number: (717) 777-7777
Toll Free Number: 1-800-303-8005

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