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Hot Issues | 11/23/2016

Hunting Safety

Hunting Safety Tips from the PA Game Commission

This coming Monday marks the start of the Pennsylvania hunting season. It is a popular past-time in Central PA, and every year the news is scattered with stories of hunting accidents throughout the country. Freeburn Law wants to make sure you know where to go to find hunting safety tips online, to help keep you injury free this season.

The Pennsylvania Game Commission website is a great resource for local hunters. The PA Game Commission lists hunting safety tips such as securing yourself in a fall-proof restraint if using an elevated platform and positively identifying your target before shooting. They remind hunters to be SMART when handling their firearms:

Safe Direction: Keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction at all times.
Make sure: Positively identify your target.
Always check: Know what's beyond your target before shooting.
Respect firearms: Treat all firearms as if they are loaded.
Trigger caution: Don't touch the trigger until you are ready to shoot.

While knowing how to handle your gun and properly identify your target, it is also important to be ready and safe in case of emergency. Know your surroundings, be fit, carry a survival kit. The survival kit should contain a signalling device, like a whistle, a basic first aid kit, and a few more things.

No matter how long you have been hunting, it is a good idea to brush up on hunting safety tips at the start of each season. Freeburn Law hopes you have a happy and successful hunting season. If you are injured in a hunting related accident, speak to an attorney today!

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