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Pedestrian Accidents | 12/08/2014

Pedestrian Struck

Pedestrian Struck and Killed in Cumberland County Accident.

Fox 43 News is reporting that an 84-year old woman was crossing St. John's Church Road in Hampden Township, Cumberland County when she was struck by a car. The pedestrian struck was wearing dark clothing and crossing the street in a poorly lit area. The accident occurred around 7:30pm Sunday night.

As a pedestrian, walking along the road at night can be dangerous. If you must walk, wear light clothing or reflective buttons. Try to stay in well-lit areas and only cross the street at well marked crosswalks or traffic lights. As a driver, it is important that you are even more alert at night. Slow down and put away your phone. Speeding and distracted driving is dangerous when it is easy to see your surroundings, and even more so at night.

If you are a pedestrian struck by a car, you need an experienced pedestrian accident attorney to handle your case. Freeburn Law has been fighting for pedestrians to get the compensation they deserve since 1982. We have 12 Central PA locations and make house calls and hospital visits. Call the 7's or fill out the quick contact form on this page for a FREE consultation. We collect nothing from you until we get money for you. Call the 7's. (717) 777-7777.

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