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Child Safety | 8/27/2018

Reminder: August is Back to School Safety Month

In Pennsylvania, August is Back to School Safety Month. Dick Freeburn of Freeburn Law joined ABC 27's Good Day PA to discuss tips for the coming season. You can view the segment below:

School Bus Safety Tips

Statistically, buses are safe. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, riding a school bus is 13 times safer than passenger cars and 10 times safer than walking. In Pennsylvania, it is illegal to pass a school bus with red lights flashing and stop arms extended. Violations carry a $250 fine, five points, and potential suspension. To stay safe near buses:

  • Never pass a stopped bus from behind or any direction on undivided roads.
  • The 10 feet around a school bus is dangerous for children, so stop far back.
  • Remain alert for unpredictable behavior from children in all school zones.

Keeping Young Drivers Safe

Teens are the largest group involved in fatalities linked to distracted driving. In 2015, 3,477 people were killed and 391,000 injured in car crashes involving distracted drivers. To keep them safe:

  • Make sure your teen is well-instructed and focused behind the wheel.
  • Keep the vehicle in park until all passengers are safely buckled in.
  • To limit distractions, avoid any use of mobile phones while driving.

Note Dangerous Times & Locations

Afternoon hours are particularly dangerous, with one in four child pedestrian fatalities occurring between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Take precautions in school zones and neighborhoods where students travel. To make sure children and students stay safe in school zones:

  • Always walk inside of any painted crosswalks.
  • Wait for signals from crossing guards.
  • Never ride bicycles in the middle of the street.

We Can Help

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a car accident, call the experienced Pennsylvania Car Accident Attorneys at Freeburn Law for a free consultation.

When you call, you’ll speak with a leading Harrisburg car accident lawyer for FREE. Freeburn Law will fight hard to seek the justice and the compensation you deserve after an accident. Just call the 7’s for help at 717-777-7777 or 570-777-7777. There is no attorney’s fee due up front—and we only get paid after you do.

Freeburn Law, Just Call the 7’s—Because the Right Law Firm Makes a Real Difference.

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