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Dog Bites | 7/06/2011

Tower City Woman Attacked by Pit Bull

Tower City, PA Borough Police said a pit bull crashed through a screen door and attacked a 47-year old woman on July 28, 2011. The victim’s injuries were not serious. The attack falls on the heels of two pit bull attacks in Pottsville in the week prior. The victim was walking in an alley near Fourth Street when the pit bull ran through the door and attacked her. The victim was transported by Tower City EMS to a local hospital for treatment.

As Pottsville, PA Dog Bite Attorneys, Freeburn Law hopes for a safe and swift recovery for the dog-bite victim. Personal injury cases are complex and difficult, if you or anyone you know has suffered a personal injury contact Freeburn Law. Freeburn Law, your Pottsville, PA Personal Injury Attorneys are committed to providing excellent legal service in the pursuit of the maximum compensation permitted by law.

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