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Automobile Accidents | 3/30/2014

Tractor Trailer Accident in Schuylkill

Schuylkill Tractor Trailer Accident

On Saturday, March 29, 2014, a tractor trailer accident involving a car killed a woman and her passenger was seriously injured .  The accident happened in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.  At 8:26 a.m., a tractor trailer rear-ended their car as they drove south on I-81.  The car spun, struck a guard rail and overturned.   The driver and the passenger were thrown from the vehicle.  The driver was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident.  The passenger was flown to Hershey Medical Center by a helicopter.  If you witnessed this car accident, please call Trooper Huffstutler at 717-865-2194.

Freeburn Law’s heart goes out to the victim’s family and the passenger who was injured in this accident. We are truly saddened by this horrible tragedy. Personal injuries and wrongful death cases are complex and difficult.

Tractor trailer accidents are also complex and difficult.  It is very important to contact a lawyer immediately after you or a loved one is involved in a car accident involving a tractor trailer.   These types of car accidents usually involve serious injuries or death.  They also  involve multiple parties, complex insurance issues and complex legal issues.

If you or anyone you know has suffered an injury or lost a loved one due to a personal injury contact the attorneys at Freeburn Law. Freeburn Law is committed to providing excellent legal service in the pursuit of the maximum compensation permitted by law.

Freeburn Law has represented numerous individuals who have been injured or killed in tractor trailer accidents.  Contact us today for a free legal evaluation. We have office locations in Harrisburg, Lebanon, Gettysburg, Huntingdon, Lewistown, Mifflintown, Camp Hill, Carlisle, and more.  There is no obligation to use our services.  Call 717-777-7777 or fill out the form on our website to get started.  We are available to help you and your loved ones 24/7.  Please contact us at any time to find out if you have a case and to learn your legal options.

Freeburn Law
Your Personal Injury and Workers' Compensation Law Firm
2040 Linglestown Road, Suite 300
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Telephone Number: (717) 777-7777
Toll Free Number: 1-800-303-8005

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