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Dick Freeburn Talks Fall Safety on Good Day PA

Wet Leaves on Road


With cooler weather and shorter days upon us, attorney Dick Freeburn of Freeburn Law visits ABC 27’s Good Day PA on Wednesday, November 7th to discuss useful fall safety tips to help both motorists and pedestrians avoid accidents and injuries this season. Tune in tomorrow to Good Day PA at 10 am to see Attorney Freeburn!

Safety Tips for Motorists

  • Shorter Days: Daylight savings recently ended meaning earlier sunsets and shorter days. For many drivers, the sun may be setting while they’re leaving work. This can lead to drivers experiencing the bright glare of a low sun. Others may find they’re now leaving work after dark—and should remember to turn their headlights on.
  • Wet Leaves: As the leaves are beginning to fall, wet road surfaces can become very slick. A covering of wet leaves can also obscure lane dividers, shoulder lines, stop lines, and other important pavement markings. With this in mind, all motorists should always take extra precautions. Drive cautiously and do not speed on wet roads.
  • Fog: The cooler temperatures and often wetter conditions of fall can often lead to fog—especially in the early mornings when most of us begin our commutes. This can severely lower visibility. Make sure to drive with headlights or fog lights on so other cars can see you—and maintain a safe following distance between cars.
  • Frost: In the fall, overnight temperatures can drop sharply from daytime highs—which can often lead to frost on cars and ice on those roads not yet hit by sunlight. Carry a scraper if you do not already. If you need to, start your car’s defroster—including the rear defroster—a bit before you leave to greatly improve visibility.

Safety Tips for Pedestrians

  • Wet Leaves: Just as wet leaves on the road can present a safety hazard for motorists, wet leaves on the sidewalk also pose a threat to pedestrians. A sidewalk covered with wet leaves can be just as slippery as one covered with ice—presenting a severe risk of a slip-and-fall injury. Walk slowly and always watch your step.
  • Icy Sidewalks: As temperatures continue to drop, pedestrians can easily encounter icy spots on sidewalks and paths—especially in the evening or early morning. Ice underfoot presents a serious risk of dangerous slip-and-fall injuries. Be cautious when walking, proceed slowly, and always watch where you’re going.

We Can Help

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a car accident or slip-and-fall accident, call the experienced Pennsylvania Personal Injury Attorneys at Freeburn Law for your free consultation.

When you call, you’ll speak with a leading Harrisburg car accident lawyer for FREE. Freeburn Law will fight hard to seek the justice and the compensation you deserve after an accident. Just call the 7’s for help at 717-777-7777 or 570-777-7777. There is no attorney’s fee due up front—and we only get paid after you do.

Freeburn Law, Just Call the 7’s—Because the Right Law Firm Makes a Real Difference.

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