Dick Freeburn of Freeburn Law and Bob LeGore of A.B.A.T.E. recently visited ABC 27’s Good Day PA to discuss the organization and its program, Operation Save a Life. The segment is available below:
About A.B.A.T.E.
A.B.A.T.E. stands for the Alliance of Bikers Aimed Toward Education. A.B.A.T.E. of Pennsylvania is an organization of motorcyclists dedicated to the protection of the individual rights of motorcyclists through political change, public education and charitable works.
About Operation Save a Life
Operation Save-A-Life is a motorcycle awareness program intended for school and civic groups. OSAL's goal is to teach automobile drivers to be alert to motorcycle operators on the highways with the aim of helping everyone to "share the road" safely. With this program, A.B.A.T.E. of PA also offers a free presentation that consists of videos, safety tips and a question-and-answer session.
If you’re interested in having a representative present to your school or group, you may reach out to the OSAL Director, Bob LeGore, by emailing him at [email protected] or by calling his cell at 717-870-7604.
Look Twice, Save a Life
Freeburn Law would like to remind all motorists to be aware of motorcyclists on the road. Whether pulling out from a stop sign or switching lanes on a highway, ALWAYS look twice and think motorcycle. It could save a life.