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(717) 777-7777
Automobile Accidents | 9/02/2014

Truck Accidents

When Maiv got hit by a truck, leaving her in a permanent semi-vegetative state, she and her family never imagined the high cost of medical care she would need for the rest of her life.

Accidents involving trucks are some of the most catastrophic accidents. Fatal truck accidents happen, on average, 11 times a day, killing around 4,000 people each year. In addition to the fatal accidents, over 100,000 people are seriously injured. Although the number of truck accidents are increasing every year, the minimum insurance policy that truck drivers are required to hold has not changed since 1985, and is often times not enough to cover today's medical costs.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident involving a truck, contact PA truck accident lawyer, Freeburn Law immediately! Car/truck accidents usually involve multiple parties, complex insurance issues and complex legal issues. At the law office of Freeburn Law, we are personal injury attorneys committed to representing people who are seriously injured or killed in a truck accident.

PA truck accident lawyer, Freeburn Law has 12 offices from which we serve clients all over Pennsylvania. Freeburn Law has offices in Harrisburg, Lebanon, Lancaster, Carlisle, York, Chambersburg, Camp Hill, Lewistown, Gettysburg, Mifflintown, Huntingdon, and Newport.

If you can’t come to us, we will come to you. The experienced attorneys at Freeburn Law can meet with you at your home or hospital, anytime – including, evenings and weekends. You can schedule a consultation with our attorneys at the 7′s, (717) 777-7777 or complete the Quick Contact form on this page.

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